Together Strong

Re LAB brings together people and organizations to make it easier to have a trauma-informed approach while doing hard work.  Our initiative for forensic nurses, the Strengthening Forensic Nursing Program (SFN), is centered on a dynamic and inclusive community of practice.  All forensic nurses and organizations are welcome.

Nurses Interested in Exploring SANE Work

For RNs or APRNs who are interested in learning more about forensic nursing, SFN makes it easy and affordable.  Foundation training (on-line or in-person) is reimbursed, and the SFN community is a great place to learn more about what it is like to be a forensic nurse and to get to know colleagues across the region while you learn.

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Experienced SANE Nurses

There is always more to learn as a forensic nurse, and SFN offers support for you to do so.  Whether it is financial support for certification or re-certification, enhanced training opportunities, or individual support through mentorship or case debriefs, SFN has something for everyone.  The SFN community is a great way to offer your experience to newer forensic nurses, while continuing to grow in your own practice.

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Re LAB believes in supporting forensic nurses in doing their work sustainably.  That depends on workplaces and nursing programs leading in a supportive and trauma-informed approach.  Re LAB is here to partner and to help:

  • nursing programs to integrate learning components into their curriculum
  • workplaces to support the role of forensic nursing
  • institutions to explore additional ways to respond to vicarious trauma