Other Opportunities
We provide reimbursements for external trainings (pre-approval required). Find the information here.
- 2024 SANE-A Clinical Skills Lab, 2-day in-person training, Regions Hospital, St. Paul MN | Registration form
- Inter Partner Violence Nurse Examiner (IPVNE) Certificate Program | Ongoing
- The FETI Methodology Training | Ongoing
- Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examination: A Virtual Practicum | Ongoing
- Sexual Assault Forensic Exams and How they Can Aid the Investigation and Prosecution of Sexual Assault | Recording
- Suspect Exams: The Nuts and Bolts of Setting up a Protocol in your Jurisdiction | Recording
- Human Trafficking Modules through SOAR Online | Ongoing
Members may request to be reimbursed for mileage and/or hotel costs associated with travel to trainings more than 100 miles (one-way) from their place of origin. If a multi-day training is approved, hotel costs will be covered if the training exceeds 50 miles (one-way) from the place of origin.
- Enhance Your Wellbeing (University of Minnesota Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing)
- Wellbeing Support for COVID-19 Frontline Persons (University of Minnesota Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing)
- International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN)
- IAFN Annual Conference
- Academy of Forensic Nursing (AFN)
- Minnesota Forensic Nurses (chapter of IAFN)
- Policies and Procedures Manual (IAFN)
- Testimony Toolkit (IAFN)
Join Our Training Team
Re LAB offers an innovative mix of training experiences and works with attendees to make these experiences successful. Please indicate your interest in learning more about joining our training team by taking this short survey.